Corporate events in Alicante

Corporate events in Alicante are a common attraction throughout different seasons of the year, taking advantage of the good weather and unique locations that can be found in Alicante.

In this case, we present you with some examples of corporate events that you can consider organizing and developing to enhance your company’s brand identity, choosing the target audience you want to reach

Corporate events in Alicante
Photographs by Joaquín P. Reina

Corporate events in Alicante

In Alicante, and especially at our Finca Fidegüet, there are numerous possibilities available if you want to host a corporate event for your company.

We offer you a spacious and versatile venue where you can create a customized corporate event according to your vision. Some examples include:

  • Christmas lunches or dinners with the company’s team of employees and professionals.
  • Anniversary celebration.
  • Product presentations.
  • Networking.
  • Team Building sessions.
  • Catwalk and fashion shows.
  • Etc.

Furthermore, we also offer you a wide range of event industry professionals who, optionally, can assist you in creating the unique event that your company deserves.

Corporate events in Alicante
Photographs by Joaquín P. Reina

Christmas event for AEFA, the Alicante Association of family business

This, like many other corporate events, is an example of events that can add value to a company’s activities by fostering relationships and communication with the target audience it aims to reach.

In this case, AEFA (Association of Family Businesses in Alicante) celebrated their Christmas gathering at our Finca, creating a magnificent atmosphere to discuss various topics within the professional relationship that binds them together.

More than 80 people gathered at this unique Christmas event, which was enhanced by the catering provided by Maestral.

It was a fantastic day!

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